Thursday, December 4, 2014

Lodging Incentive passes, letter to the editor 2014

I'm posting some old letters to the editor. This is so I can remember what I wrote, and to keep myself honest.  I'm posting them in the order I wrote them so this goes back a couple of years.

The more things change….

Summer 2014

The Lodging Incentive ordinance passed. 

What next?  We all have theories but none of us has a crystal ball and no-one, I mean no-one, has the magic Aspen crystal ball.

I humbly suggest that this 91 page ordinance be up for review after 91 days.  Let's see how many applicants try and take advantage of the incentives.  If there is a press of applications prior to the enactment of the ordinance (30 days from the vote) we know what we have is better than what we've going to get. If there are only applications for 4 story vacation residences in the first 91 days then we know that the intended beneficiaries (the older lodges and condos) have not been served.  If there are no applications  then we know the ordinance isn't serving anyone.

If there is a flood of applications then everyone who is worried about the evils flowing from this Pandora process had better show up to for every meeting and file their opinion with the planners office next to every application (if you're a neighbor you'll get a notice). If you wait until it's built your protest options are limited and very few of them are legal.

If it doesn't work ….well…  as one of favorite lines from one of my favorite movies says ….. "If the wine is sour, throw it out."  

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