Friday, June 28, 2013

French drains and prairie dogs

Well, they're actually ground squirrels and the field is full of them. I have a healthy badger population because of them. The red-tail hawks, coyote and great horned owls are fond of them also (although the little peter cotton tail rabbits are the favorite entree).

However, you combine a piece of old french drain, one ground squirrel, one Corgi and two Pulik..... and you have the perpetual motion dog toy. Yeah, I know, it terrorizes the ground squirrel, but the squirrel got away and the whole pack slept through the night.

 They don't all get away, Duff caught this one last year in honor of the Queen's Jubilee. He only relinquished it when I traded for bacon. Duff can catch 'em. The Pulis just bark... and bark... and bark...

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