Wednesday, December 12, 2007

snow and sun

The day started out cold and snowy. Here Jinks and Ginny look like they're in a scene from Dr. Zhivago. You will notice Jinks has a snow nose- he's just been playing snowplow.

Things livened up a bit when there was something to bark at.

What else? Bark at the Puli with the Santa Teddy bear toy. BB's put the burners on....

Because look what's after him...

Then the sun came out and everybody had fun. I really need to get these guys some snow suits...they will turn into running snowballs pretty soon.

Sun and about 3 new inches of snow. Fun for the kids- more plowing for me.

Ginny just loves to roll in the snow- and as you can see she thinks it tastes good too. Maybe all those years in the truck cage she never got to taste snow. We're making up for that now.

1 comment:

Lynne Rutter said...

that top picture almost makes them look tall!