Monday, March 30, 2015

Genius Loci

Mind, Body, Spirit that's "The Aspen Idea". 

There's a lot to unpack out of that but let's just go back to the title of this post "Genius Loci". Genius- in the original- isn't talent or extraordinary ability- it isn't even the popular "expertise in one field" or the rather apt Neils Bohr definition of an "Expert"  these are all devolutions of the original. Perhaps Genius is too pagan an idea.

Genius is spirit. It can be the spirit of a place, the spirit of an idea, the heart and soul of something. If you are touched by the spirit you are touched by Genius.  Genius is being "inspired", inhaling in the essence.

One afternoon in 1968 we drove into Aspen and there was a double rainbow hanging over Silver Queen.

That is what happens to those of us who fall in love with Aspen. We are possessed by the Genii of the place.

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